Damsel in distress

Damsel in distress

by Jazzy DeFehr

@snazzy.jazzy7 on Instagram

I always wanted to be a Disney princess
And yet I feel more like a damsel in distress
Saving myself from monsters and villains has become a daily job
One that I want to retire from
I’m tired of rescuing myself
I’m tired of fighting all the battles and feeling helpless
When is it my turn to be saved
When is it my turn to be swooped up and taken care of
Trying to solve problems, when I just want to cry
Retire to a never ending lullaby
But I will not stop fighting for myself
I will not stop fighting for the people I love
Because that is what I deserve
I deserve to feel safe and happy
I will never stop fighting for my happiness
And every day when a new monster comes
I will continue to fight
By the end of the story
She is no longer a damsel in distress
But a heroic princess