Some Queer YouTubers Whose Vids I Like That You Could Try Watching If You Wanted

Some Queer YouTubers Whose Vids I Like That You Could Try Watching If You Wanted

By Jayden Grieve (he/him)

Warning: Some of the content on these YouTube channels may be NSFW. This article is the opinion of the writer and doesn’t constitute the pride society recommending these channels.


Verily’s videos discuss gender, sexuality, and sometimes just fun stuff she wants to talk about. She’s wonderfully charming and just the right amount of earnest.
Recommended Vid: Good LGBT Representation is Boring (and why that’s a problem)

Maggie May Fish

Maggie is just very fun and silly, but the topics she covers in her media critique videos are always interesting and nuanced. She finds a great balance between entertaining and informative. Also, really good facial expressions.
Recommended Vid: My Octopus Teacher

Melina Pendulum

(Wins best hand-talker award)
Melina bills herself as “talking about pop culture, race, feminism, and other social issues with a lot of nuance and profanity.” She’s charming and I love her positive attitude.
Recommended Vid: Why We Keep Retelling Persephone’s Story

James Somerton

Honestly, the production value of these videos alone gets me. James talks about media and most often its relationship to queer stuff. This often leads to interesting discussion about grander sociological trends and such.
Recommended Vid: The Necessity of Gay Crime



Y’all probably already know Dodie, but I had to include her. She is just the dang most adorable person in the world and everything she makes immediately turns to gold. She posts original songs and the occasional cover.
Recommended Vid: I’m bisexual – a coming out song! 

Jaiden Animations

Jaiden Animations is another pretty well known one that you might have heard of if you’re a big gay nerd. Also I would be remiss if I didn’t include an animator considering it’s my favourite part of YouTube. She tells stories and explores topics accompanied with her animations. These videos are very approachable and also manageable short.
Recommended Vid: I Attempted my First Pokémon Nuzlocke


Contra’s videos often explore abstract and philosophical topics, and her aesthetic is everything. There are other videos I wanted to recommend but all of my favourites are over an hour long and The Darkness is very good and easier to get into.
Recommended Vid: The Darkness


Rina Sawayama

Okay, you got me. Rina isn’t a YouTuber, but she does have videos on YouTube so I win on a technicality. Just for your own benefit, give her a listen.
Recommended Vid: Rina Sawayama – Bad Friend (Official Video)

Brian Jordan Alvarez

This one is more of a shoutout for the Gay and Wonderous Life of Caleb Gallo, which is a five part miniseries (especially considering I haven’t watched any of Brian Jordan Alvarez’s other videos). Jason Greene who plays Freckle is the funniest person I can think of right now and has some iconic lines that I say after four years.
Recommended Vid: The Gay and Wondrous Life of Caleb Gallo


(Bonus screencap of my favourite line in the series)